RCMOS – Revista Científica Multidisciplinar O Saber. São Paulo – SP ISSN: 2675-9128. São Paulo, ano I, v.1, ed. 12, 2021.
Processo de melhoria evidenciado na manutenção preventiva em equipamentos hospitalares Improvement process evidenced in preventive maintenance in hospital equipment Felix Malcher Motta Aidar Neto; Juliana Eschholz de Araujo Submetido em: 23/01/2022 v. 2, n. 1, jan-jun. 2022 Aprovado em: 29/01/2022/ Publicado em: 07/02/2022 DOI: 10.51473/rcmos.v2i1.272 Resumo
Palavras-chave: Gestão de equipamentos; Melhoria contínua, Gestão
Currently, where the political and economic situation of the country directly impacts the health area, hospitals are required to improve their performance in a structured and sustainable way. Thus, from the point of view of engineering and administration of health technology, this work presents how the periodicity with which preventive maintenance routines can be redefined, with gains for the hospital organization and without harm to the patient, based on objective criteria. This work shows how preventive maintenance for the different time periods such as: daily, weekly, monthly, and annual were effective for improving the life of the autoclaves of three different hospital units in the city of São José dos Campos-SP. We analyzed 15 autoclaves devices divided into two terms regarding volume. The devices with volumes of 12 and 42 liters were identified as mark 1 and the devices with volumes of 19 liters were identified as mark 2. After the implementation of preventive maintenance of these autoclaves, the results regarding the number of patient visits increased 5% and 2% for brands 1 and 2, respectively, in addition to the decrease in the active time of these devices, decreasing from 87% to mark 1 and 75% to mark 2 per year. It was concluded that preventive maintenance responds better to the cost-benefit of the autoclaves studied.
Keywords: Equipment management; Continuous Improvement, Management